Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 1 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 2 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 3 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 1 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 2 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 3 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 4 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 1 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 2 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 3 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 4 of 0
Quiltmania Millefiori 3 by Willyne Hammerstein - Image 5 of 0

SOLD OUT QUILTMANIA: Millefiori 3 Quilt Book by Willyne Hammerstein

0 Reviews
Product Code: QUILTMANIA_Millefiori-3
A word from Willyne:

"And here is my third book! Once again, I tried to offer some quilts from beginners and some for those more experienced, who do not fear taking on a challenge!
It only remains for me to wish you the following: ENDLESS INSPIRATION and PLEASURE in the way in which you choose to make these quilts!


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