Supernova Quilt by Edyta Sitar:
The brighter quilt images were made using the Royal Blue Collection, and the original design image was made with an earlier fabric collection. Why not make this with the Perfect Union Fabric Collection? It's Perfect!
1 Royal Blue Fat Quarter Bundle (or Perfect Union)
2 yards dark blue fabric for triangles and diamonds
2-1/4 yards light fabric for triangles
1 yard light blue fabric for cones
3-1/4 yards of light background fabric (A-9175-GL)
1-1/2 yards dark blue fabric for 8 point star background (A-9175-B)
1/2 yard light blue fabric for 8 point star (A-8515-BL)
1/2 yard light fabric for 8 point star (A-9174-B)
2/3 yard blue fabric for binding (A-9176-B)
7 1/4 yards fabric for backing (A-9174-BT)
1 package 1.5" Triangle Paper (LBQ-0231-X)